Recognizing the needs of exceptional students and designing programs that respond effectively to these needs are important and challenging aspects of program planning.

After an Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC) identifies a student as exceptional, an Individual Education Plan (IEP) is developed and maintained for that student. An IEP may also be prepared for students who are receiving Special Education programs and services but who have not been identified as exceptional by an IPRC.

The IEP is based on analysis of the student’s strengths and areas of need. It will identify what the student is expected to learn and will explain how the Special Education program and services will help him or her achieve those learning goals and expectations. For those exceptional students who are 14 years of age or older, the IEP will also outline a coordinated plan for transition to postsecondary activities, including education, work or adaptation to community living. Further information can be obtained from the secondary school Student Services Department.

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