School Council
Meetings start at 6:30 in the Staff Room.
Meeting Minutes
Students’ Council
Westgate’s Student’s Administrative Council is one of the best and biggest in the city! Throughout the year, the SAC plans exciting and informative events for the student body. In addition, students actively participate in events that benefit community organizations. Westgate offers students a vast array of opportunities regardless of postsecondary destination. Universities and colleges compete for our top students. School-to-work opportunities include cooperative education and links to trades, businesses and the professions at the local, provincial, national and international levels. Our breadth of programming allows us to offer programs that meet the individual needs of all students. To this end, we commit ourselves to working with the Westgate school community to ensure the future success of all.
Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)
The Special Education Advisory committee consists of voluntary representatives from local associations, community representatives and Trustees. Members are available as a resource to parents/guardians of students with special needs. Further information is available from the SEAC Office at the Jim McCuaig Education Centre or by visiting our website.
Aboriginal Education Advisory Committee
Aboriginal Parents/Guardians, youth, community and educational representatives advise the Board on matters relating to the education of Aboriginal students For a complete outline of the mandate and more information, please see the website or contact us at 625-5100 to be directed to the Aboriginal Education Advisor.